Pedagogical Approach

These materials were designed to be flexible and adaptable to a range of pedagogical styles and instructional strategies. That being said, the goal is that they are used to support inquiry-driven learning in which students begin learning by considering important information and then engage with a range of sources to help them develop their own answers to these questions. Thus, these learning activities should not be approached as if students will identify pre-determined answers to sets of closed questions. Rather, students will explore a range of different sources, engage in dialogue and exchange with classmates and teachers, and then use information from these sources to develop their own answers and products that communicate evidence-based, reasoned conclusions

These materials can be used in online contexts, in hybrid instruction, or in face-to-face learning, although technology and internet access will be key in all of these. The context of instruction of course impacts the types of dialogue and discussions in which students can engage, but students need opportunities to discuss and collaborate in these activities whatever the format of learning may be. Over the course of the unit, students will be gathering information to help develop a final product, which is a tool to educate other young people about the opioid crisis. The goal of the unit then is also to engage students in transformative action and communication with public audiences beyond their classrooms.  

These materials can be used in ways that align with project-based learning as well, as they are question driven, provide opportunities for sustained inquiry, give students voice and choice in many activities, and also provide opportunities for communication with public audiences. How the materials are actually implemented, of course, is up to the teacher, and we invite you to adapt, transform, and improve upon these ideas!